The First Flight Parent Teacher Organization (FFHS PTO) builds the foundation for strong connections between parents, teachers, students and our community. Your FFHS PTO funds initiatives that enhance the school experience – from beautification of the school grounds to grants for teachers for new equipment to staff appreciation lunches and spirit wear that helps keep the Nighthawk morale sky high!
Here are quick links to all the ways to connect with your FFHS PTO:
Memberships help us thrive – Join today!
Senior Class of 2025 – Recognition Items
Donate – Corporate Sponsorships of $250+ are recognized on our School Marquee
Questions or want to get involved? Email us!
PTO Officers
The 2024-25 slate of PTO Officers includes:
Executive Committee:
President: Moe Matthews
Co-Vice Presidents: Elizabeth Hudspeth and Allison Casella
Treasurer: Holly Foubister
Secretary: Lori Britt
Committee Chairs:
Membership/Fundraising: Courtney Fowler
Student Experience: Bethany Doyle
Hospitality: Krista Barnes and Angela Preston
Communications/PR/Social Media: Allison Casella
Spirit Wear: Nealy Hansford
First Flight Middle School Liaison: Elizabeth Hudspeth
Volunteer Coordinator: Vacant