Clubs & Activities
Extracurricular activities are an important part of the FFHS experience. We offer a wide range of clubs, everything from board games to knitting to service organizations and more. And if there's not a club for you, all you need is a teacher to sponsor your group and we'll get it started for you! Stay tuned for more info on clubs coming soon!
The purpose of the Student Government Association is to set a high standard of school citizenship, to promote student participation, to further interest in all recognized school activities, and to cooperate in promoting the general welfare of the school. The officers are elected by the student body. SGA organizes pep rallies, dances, Homecoming, and various other activities such as Spirit Week festivities. SGA also organizes various community service projects such as blood drives, food drives for the Outer Banks Food Pantry, and coat collections drives, to name just a few.