School Nurse
My name is Robyn Dozier and I am the school nurse at FFHS. Most of the students and staff call me "Nurse Robyn." The clinic and my office are located in the main office. Please see the front desk receptionist to locate me.
I have been an RN,BSN for 14 years. After working many years in the Emergency Department, I transitioned to School Nursing. I enjoy working with students and staff in promoting good health.
School Nurses in Dare County Schools are employees of the Dare County Department of Health and Human Services. Health services that are provided to Dare County students through the DCDHHS School Health Program include screenings, evaluation, treatment, referrals, health education, immunization audits and case management for students with chronic diseases and/or other special health care needs.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions concerning clinic services or school health policies.
Robyn Dozier | 252-449-7000 EXT 2495